var, let, and const can seem Confusing

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Understanding the Weird Parts of JavaScript Variables

JavaScript is an incredibly versatile language, but it can sometimes leave developers scratching their heads—especially when it comes to variables. Terms like var, let, and const can seem confusing, but understanding their nuances is crucial for writing clean and efficient code. In this post, we’ll break down these concepts, clarify common pitfalls, and apply them in a practical project.


What Are Variables in JavaScript?

Variables are containers for storing data values. They allow us to work with data dynamically in our programs. In JavaScript, we can declare variables using three keywords:

  1. var: The original way to declare variables.
  2. let: Introduced in ES6, providing better scoping rules.
  3. const: Also introduced in ES6, for variables that shouldn’t be reassigned.

Let’s dive into each of these and understand their behavior.


1. var: The Old Guard

Variables declared with var have function scope or global scope, and they can be redeclared within the same scope.

Characteristics of var:

  • Hoisting: Variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their scope but are initialized as undefined.
  • No Block Scope: var is not confined to block scope; it leaks out of if or for blocks.



Pitfall: Using var can lead to unexpected behaviors due to hoisting and lack of block scope. It’s often better to avoid it in modern JavaScript.

2. let: The Modern Replacement

let provides block scope, which means variables declared with let are confined to the block in which they are declared.

Characteristics of let:

  • Block Scope: Limited to the block, statement, or expression where it is used.
  • Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ): Variables declared with let cannot be accessed before their declaration.

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Tip: Use let when you need a variable whose value may change but is confined to a specific block.

3. const: The Immutable Option

const is used for variables that shouldn’t be reassigned. However, it doesn’t make the value immutable—only the binding is immutable.

Characteristics of const:

  • Block Scope: Like let, const is block-scoped.
  • Must Be Initialized: You must assign a value when declaring a const variable.
  • Reference Immutability: The binding cannot be changed, but objects or arrays can still be mutated.

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Tip: Use const by default unless you need to reassign the variable—in which case, use let.

When to Use var, let, and const

  • Use const: By default, for variables whose value won’t change.
  • Use let: For variables whose value may change or need to be reassigned.
  • Avoid var: Unless you’re working with legacy code or need function-scoped variables specifically.


Practical Example: Quiz App

Let’s apply what we’ve learned by creating a simple quiz app. This app will use let for mutable state, const for constants, and avoid var altogether.

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Tip: It is intentional that we did not include any copy functionalities to our code, the purpose is for you to type and let it sink in, that is the only way you will truly understand these things.

Key Takeaways

  • var is function-scoped and prone to bugs due to hoisting and lack of block scope.
  • let and const are block-scoped and safer for modern JavaScript development.
  • Use const by default and let when reassignment is required.

By mastering these variable types, you’ll write cleaner, more predictable JavaScript code. Ready to tackle closures next? Stay tuned for our next post on mastering closures in JavaScript!

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